Engineered by Dr JO Serrentino for Contrad Swiss.
Three hydrogel monodoses with peptides, hyaluronic acid and one of the most advanced technologies available for optimum joint and soft tissue wellness.
Self-penetrating gel imbued with SIGMOLECS® Technology to reach deep tissue, working in situ, by simple topical administration of a adhesive patch for maximum effectiveness.
SIGMOLECS® molecules are configured and assembled to mirror highly specific intracellular peptide factors. This is done by grafting bioactive peptides or amino acid sequences onto a source molecule, usually a natural source protein.
Endogenous signal molecules trigger cellular responses to external stimuli, therefore “programming” the physiological response, similar to computer code within a computer program. Using SIGMOLECS® molecules is like reprogramming the cell’s response, like inserting a new code into a computer program, and modulating its function
CR500® is a hydrogel containing peptides and hyaluronic acid with a soothing action that helps prevent and attenuate the physiological degeneration of cartilage in osteoarthritis, thereby protecting against and slowing the progression of joint damage.
AI500® is a hydrogel to be applied to intact skin, intended to provide relief in cases of pain due to tension in muscles and adjacent tissues, to improve movement and function.
ST500® is a hydrogel containing peptides and hyaluronic acid with a soothing action that helps to limit the physiological degeneration of tendons and muscles, thereby aiding joint movement.
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